Nutrition Services
Eating is a fundamental part of being human, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. The messages in our society about food and nutrition can be extremely confusing and overwhelming. That’s why our qualified Registered Dietitians are here to help guide you to a more peaceful relationship with food and your body.
We support individuals of all ages who are ready to find freedom with food. We treat eating disorders, chronic dieting, and other nutrition-related conditions (diabetes, heart disease, etc). We're also happy to work with those wanting to find balance with food. Using a Health At Every Size ® approach, we can help you focus on your health and wellness in the big picture, instead of getting stuck on how much you weigh.
Our RDs are also uniquely skilled at working with individuals with nutrition concerns associated with various mental health conditions. If your depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, or OCD are getting in the way of meeting your needs, get started with our nutritionists below.​​

75 minutes

In our initial appointment we will discuss your eating history, current challenges, and anything else relevant to our work together. In this session, we'll start creating a plan that meets your needs.

75 minutes

Dealing with a more specific issue and wondering how nutrition impacts it? Not sure about long term nutrition counseling, but could use some feedback on your eating?
We offer one-time nutrition consultations for sports nutrition, prenatal nutrition, gut health, nutrition-related conditions, and nutritional concerns related to mental health.

45 minutes

Follow-up sessions will give us an opportunity to check in and explore your evolving relationship with food together. The frequency of these appointments is based on your needs, which will change over time.

Individual Meal Support
45 minutes

We offer one on one meal support to those with anorexia, bulimia, ARFID, and folks who struggle with eating but don't fit into a specific ED category.
If you might benefit from getting expert support while you eat, please reach out!
If you prefer meal support in a group setting, check out this option.
Not sure what a registered dietitian is?
Read this to learn what dietitians do, and how they can help you.